Thursday, June 11, 2009


yeah, after only seven months or so, i have written 100 blog posts. eff!
anyways, one of my good buddies was complaining that i write too much to possibly follow, so i decided to do a Top 10 of 100 List. these are just personal favorites, so if you don't dig 'em, it's all good.

ordered by date, oldest to most recent:

1) "i wish to be fed toasted bread," she said

2) Linguini & the Attack of the Hallow Bears

3) Are S Dee Es D

4) "The Alex Show" Episode 3 pt. I

5) "The Alex Show" Episode 4

6) pick up chicks

7) From Son to Father

8) "The Greatest Warrior Alive" pts. I - IV

9) Fuck "The Alex Show!"

10) within my busty dwelling

- afm


hayley said...
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Johanna Rose said...

To be honest I don't think age can stop love because we all are the same age on the other side, at least in my belief. But to be honest I don't think I'm good enough for him even though we are close friends.

k said...

i have been absent for some time